Hello? Is this thing on? Sorry. Life has been a little “full” lately. But I wanted to do an exercise I’ve done approximately every couple of years … now feels like the right time. Past alphabets are here: 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017.
The Alphabet of Right Now:
Aquaphor – it’s my duct tape: I swear it holds the universe together. Also: airplanes.
Bombas – Obsessed. Not only do I wear these socks every day, I give them to lots of folks for gifts. I know. Socks don’t seem that exciting. But they really are that good!
Composting – 2019 was the year we finally started composting! Thank you to my friend Jess for motivating me. Also: coffee.
Dad – I miss him every single day, and I always will.
Early – I am an early person. I get up early, I go to bed early, I arrive places early. I don’t think this is going to change, and I’m okay with it.
Family – Ground zero, always, no matter what. Also: friends.
Grateful – I am. More and more. For all of it, mess and beauty, darkness and light, every single thing.
Harry Potter – Still one of m very favorite books/series. Actually, my favorite character in all of fiction (a question I’m asked surprisingly often) is from the series but is not Harry himself. It’s Dumbledore.
Instagram – My favorite social media site by a mile. I love how I feel in touch with people just through Instagram (though I also recognize the fallacy of that). Please come find me there!
Jigsaw puzzles – Still my favorite way to relax. I find doing 1000 piece puzzles on our dining room table incredibly therapeutic. It’s one of the only activities where I truly turn my thoughts off.
Kombucha – Our whole family is into it, kids and adults both. I’ve pondered making our own but an intimidated.
Library – I’m a devoted patron of my local library. I order books and when they come in I head around the corner. I love all the librarians, who know me by name, and often have quick talks about what they’re reading. Honestly, the library is one of my favorite parts of my life.
Maiden name – I use it (Mead) for work and for writing. Especially with Dad gone, it feels like a vital link to him. In retrospect, I might not have changed my name at all, but it’s nice to have both.
New York Times crossword – I do one or more on my phone every day. I do Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and sometimes Wednesday. For Thursday-Saturday I go into the archives and do Monday or Tuesday puzzles. I’m not above using google for an answer either.
On Being 40(ish)
– A true highlight of last year (and of my life) was the release of this book. Our paperback comes out next week! Cool new cover. I am biased, entirely, but I think this collection is a great gift (and a great read in general).
Podcasts – I listen to them when I run. Lately, have been listening to The Baron of Botox and Truth and Lies: Jeffrey Epstein. I’d love recommendations here! Also: pajamas.
Qwerty – I type really fast, and I have since I learned in 6th grade. An excellent life skill. Correlated: my handwriting has gotten terrible.
Reading – My favorite thing to do, then, now, and always. It’s kind of weird that someone as type A as me doesn’t keep a list of all the books they read but I don’t. I probably read 2-3 books a week though. I can’t go to sleep without reading.
Sleep – As I get older, more and more important. There’s very little that’s more important to me than getting a good night of sleep, and I’m willing to do a lot to help in that area (turn off my phone at least 30 minutes before bed, meditate almost daily, basically stop drinking wine).
Teenagers – I have two of them. Yes, there’s occasional moodiness, but I must say that on the whole I love having young adult children. They are interesting, entertaining, funny, and only maddening some of the time. How I can have teenagers when I still feel like a teenager myself is something I cannot answer, though.
Useful – More and more, something I want to be.
Vertigo – Probably the scariest health experience I’ve had is the couple of weeks I had bad vertigo. I live in fear if it coming back.
Whitman – My son’s name, for my sister (her middle name). I love it.
X – yeah, I don’t know.
Yoga – I’ve been practicing weekly or more for 22 years. I never, ever want to go to yoga and I’m always, 100% of the time, glad I went. My favorite pose is Half Moon. What’s yours?
Zoo – I don’t like them and never have. Something about all those wild animals in the middle of a city makes me sad.