Yesterday I wrote about the ways in which the universe, in all of its grandiose, extravagant meaning, is often best glimpsed in the tiniest details. And then, in one of those coincidences-that-aren’t, I read Amy Palko’s fabulous post about “all those tiny details that create an individual.” I love the way we can glimpse, in the tiniest, most specific things, the whole of who she is. And isn’t this the only way, actually, to see who someone else is? The details of their lives – choices, actions, preferences – are the window through which we can glimpse their spirit. It’s there that we see the hidden geode glittering.
Inspired by Amy’s post, I wanted to share some of the tiny things that exist in the enormous pile of details that make up me. I would love to hear yours.
- I can’t drive a stick shift car. I wish I could, and I’m embarrassed that I can’t. In a correlated detail, when I was learning to drive I almost pitched our old Jeep directly into the ocean. Perhaps also correlated: my parents insist that their vehicles be manual, so I can’t drive either of their cars.
- I’m born in the Chinese year of the Tiger and I’m a Leo. Despite these associations, I don’t really like cats.
- I was born 3 weeks early. I’ve been in a hurry ever since.
- One day as a child living in Paris, I woke up to snow and shouted, “Mummy! Mummy! Il neige!” To this day I still call my mother and say that most days that it snows.
- I have 3 pairs of neon running socks that I love and wear almost exclusively.
- I drink my coffee with rice milk and agave in it. I haven’t been to Starbucks since July and I don’t miss it one single bit. I have usually made and set the coffeemaker for the next morning by 5pm the day before.
- When we lived in London I had such a British accent that often people didn’t know I was American.
- My son and my sister have the same middle name; he is named after her.
- My father and my husband are both Geminis, second-born twins, and MIT graduates.
- I have to have a fan blowing directly on me to sleep. And a pitch-dark room. Being a better sleeper is on the very short list of things I would change about myself if I could.
- When I was 14, in London, I played a fairy on a short-lived TV series called East of the Moon.
- I am a committed and unshakeable devotee of the Oxford comma.
Please, please share some of the details – at once minute and essential – of yourself with me!