Last year I wrote a happy birthday post for this guy and received several comments to the effect that people didn’t know I was married. Well, that’s just one of the lines I draw. There’s a lot of personal stuff I’m happy to share, but one of the places I’ve decided is off limits is my husband. From this bloggy world, only Denise has actually spent time with Matt. So, if you have your doubts, she can vouch for his existence. (extra credit: who can name the bff to the right of Matt in this photo?)
But it’s his birthday again, so I think I can break my own rule just for today … Happy, happy, happy birthday, Matt. This is the 13th of your birthdays we’ve celebrated together. That first birthday seems like both yesterday and a lifetime ago.
You continue to be so many wonderful things, to me, to the two short and loud people who live here, and to your family and friends:
– Surprisingly talented hydrangea gardener
– Generous morning latte maker
– Persistently, annoyingly early riser
– Miraculous blizzard-avoider
– Magnanimous eater of the random all-vegetable meals I create from our CSA box
– One of the best skiiers I’ve ever been on a mountain with
– Patient children’s golf and tennis coach
– Enthusiastic runner behind a new two-wheeler biker
– (Mostly) tolerant extrovert husband of an introvert
– Animated bedtime story reader
– Indulgent listener to long, detailed stories about adventures like trapeze (think “one time? at band camp?”)
– Barbecue enthusiast
– Doppelganger of our son – such that Grace saw a picture of you & your brother at 3 and asked, “why are there two Whits?”
– Undeniable Fun One of this particular marital pair (stuck with perma-crying non-fun moi)
– Husband, father, son, brother, identical twin, godfather, uncle, cousin, friend
Happy birthday, Matt. As ever, I’m amazed.