Witty Whit

Right now my head and heart are running dry. I feel exhausted in a bone-deep way. The words are eluding me.

But this kid? Well, he’s priceless. He can be serious, but usually, he’s not. The material keeps on coming.


He didn’t fall asleep last night until 9:30, and for about half an hour before that lay in bed singing California Gurls to himself. Grace somehow can tune him out, which is a skill that I’m pretty sure she’s had to develop to survive. Then he got up at 5:30 and started talking. At 7:20, as we walked into breakfast, I think it’s possible that my normally impenetrably calm, Zen, mother-of-the-year facade cracked slightly. Responding to this, he stopped in his tracks.  He sighed, resignedly, and said, “OK, Mummy, how about I give you a break from questions for a while?”

Sounds good, Whit.


The other day Whit was short-circuiting from being tired and overwrought and generally falling apart. He was half-whining, half-crying, dragging his feet as we walked home from the camp bus. He finally burst out, “Mummy! I’m hungry! I’m tired! I am thirsty!” He sobbed.  “I don’t know what I am, but I’m something!

That’s a feeling I know.


Apropos of absolutely nothing, on the long airplane ride home from Legoland, Whit elbowed me urgently.


“Do you know what the problem with turtles is, Mummy?”


“The problem is they have short legs so when they flip over onto their backs they can’t get back over.”

I tell you, spending an hour inside his head would be comedy.


Last week, after dinner, when I was trying to wrestle Whit into the submission of sleep, he began agitating that he was hungry.

I glimpsed a pretzel from a couple of hours earlier on the floor. I scooped it up without his noticing (I thought) and handed it to him. “Here, eat this.”

We walked upstairs towards the bath. Through his mouthful, Whit asked me, “Did you just give me food from the floor?”

“Yes, Whitty, I did,” I sighed. “That’s just the kind of mum I am.”

“That’s the kind of awesome you are!” he exclaimed.

19 thoughts on “Witty Whit”

  1. these are gem. beyond precious. thank you, especially since i have been feeling a bit of overwhelm lately (many transitions upon our little tribe).

  2. I think I am feeling something, too. The end of August seems to bring that on…

    He is a card, and so are you, even when you allegedly “run dry”.

    Thanks for the smiles…

  3. My definitely UN-zen like facade is cracking this morning – on the second day of school – as we work toward getting out the door. But this put a smile on my face. I love this kid. Bring him to Texas I tell you – and I’ll by him a (root)beer. 😉

  4. We are not quite at that endless questioning and commenting stage yet. I am part looking forward to and part dreading it, rusty as my brain has become. The last bit and your son’s comment is definitely my favorite part. One of the treasures of blogging is that in years to come you can go back and read these posts and in doing so remember every little moment. I’m guessing when your son is grown and has flown the nest you’ll wish for that little voice and all it’s questions to come back again. Lovely post.

  5. Priceless! Thanks for making me laugh this morning. My two year old already cracks me up, but I have a feeling he’s going be a lot like your Whit when it comes to humor. Can’t wait!

  6. “I don’t know what I am but I’m SOMETHING!” Now that would make a great tee shirt…It seems like I was just there — feeling overwhelmed by all that raw energy and love and mess and noise. And though I miss it, this time is good, too. But what i really want to say is that my boys have never stopped making me laugh. Sometimes now it’s on the phone or even on facebook, but they can still completely crack me up. That never goes away.

  7. Well, if feeding kids floor food counts as awesome then count me in! Sending memo to The Dudes right now…things that make moms awesome: encouraging you to eat from the floor, eat in your bed, and eat to be quiet. I think I may give you a run for your money on that mother-of-the-year thing you mentioned.

  8. “That’s the kind of awesome you are.” Exact words that my husband would have used. He does not understand my refusals to eat anything off of the floor. Yes, I do find it strange that my husband and your Whit have quite a bit in common…

  9. Your Whit sounds a lot like my Garrett. He will say things that spin my world, head, and heart all at once.

    Sounds like Legoland was a big hit. It’s on our “to visit” list, too!

  10. Oh my goodness, I wanna steal your kids for a day! Could they be any more delightful?!?

    Thanks for sharing all the moments, today and every day. xo

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