Earthquake aftermath

I’m still a bit too raw from this week to write anything. It has been the earthquake I expected. A bunch of small changes, endings, none of them enormous in and of themselves, have added up to something that feels seismic. I am trying to rest and catch my breath. My beloved sister is in town this weekend and I am looking forward to leaning back into her presence; into the precious comfort that comes from being with the only person in the world who shares – and understands – my unique terroir.

So, instead, a glimpse of Wednesday (last day of school)in photographs.

Grace and Whit at Starbucks before school for the last time this year. When Grace was a Beginner, I put her in a white dress for her closing ceremonies, and it’s become a tradition. Whit is now joining with a white shirt.

We got out of the car outside school for the last time this year. Whit noticed this heart in the sidewalk and asked me to take a picture of it. We’ve noticed it before but not in a long time. It felt apropos for the last day.

After some down time, we drove together to the pool party that started at noon. Of course, we were early, so we passed the time taking portraits with my iphone in the car.

(I think I look vaguely shell-shocked)

This could be my favorite portrait of Whit, ever.  Or second favorite after this one.

6 thoughts on “Earthquake aftermath”

  1. Everyone gorgeous! Cheers to new beginning, even if they come with a rocky start.

    Enjoy your time with your sister. I wish I could say I had the same kind of relationship with my own.

  2. Lindsey, this post is a treat, especially the one of Whit, feet and all.

    The heart on the sidewalk seemed a serendipitious urban finding. Beautiful in its own right.

    Happy weekend, enjoy your sister. I spent last night with my sisters and mom. Although we all live in the same town, a ladies night out is a rare treat. We relish each other’s company, still, after all these years. I would not be me without them.

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