“Some magicians say that magic shatters your worldview. But I think magic holds the world together. It’s dark matter; it’s the glue of reality, the putty that fills the holes between everything we know to be true.” – Chloe Benjamin, The Immortalists
“Some magicians say that magic shatters your worldview. But I think magic holds the world together. It’s dark matter; it’s the glue of reality, the putty that fills the holes between everything we know to be true.” – Chloe Benjamin, The Immortalists
The last few weeks have been incredibly sweet. Bitter, also (specifically Dad’s 75th birthday and our first Father’s Day without our dads), but mostly just very sweet. Grace and Whit have both been at home and though the early weeks of summer, after school but before camp, are always a particular logistical challenge, they are also surpassingly lovely. I used to share posts regularly with photographs of small moments, and I want to revisit that habit. I often share these observations on Instagram these days, and if you’re on there, please come find me!
I do the New York Times crossword on my phone every day (not really Friday or Saturday). I was happy to see my POD in it recently (this the larger-then-mini Saturday “mini,” which I like best of all).
Grace and I tried aerial yoga one evening. I think I’m too old to be upside down that much, but it was an adventure!
My sister-in-law invited us over to come pick some of her glorious, blooming peonies as she was about to leave the country for a week. They are just my favorite.
When Grace snaps things like this, it makes me incredibly happy. Nothing better. They were fighting an hour later, but still, I love this, and love that they had dinner in the garden together.
We had family dinner at a fried chicken restaurant that both children wanted to try. Not sure we loved the restaurant, but I loved the rainbow wall, the buttermilk biscuits, and the laughter.
One night Grace, Whit, and I went for a walk after dinner to the park. We all like to swing, still. This sunset greeted us. Another evening we had a picnic dinner in the park. The neighborhood park where both children toddled many years ago, where they played Micro Soccer at three, where so many memories of their childhoods crowd my vision. I love it there, and love that they still want to go.
Grace and Whit gave me this card with a very thoughtful note (including how much they love having the whale pod under one roof, to which I say, me too) and a wooden spoon with a smiley face in it. One of the best gifts I’ve received!
Whit and I went for a jaunt to Philadelphia (to see two of my dearest friends from college and their families) and to Baltimore for the bar mitzvah of one of his best friends from camp. I’m not sure the two of us have been on an airplane alone before. It was just absolutely great. He makes me laugh so hard, this kid does.
He also remains sweet. We had an awkwardly long interval between bar mitzvah and flight, and so we walked around the Baltimore inner harbor for a bit before heading to the airport early. We had a relaxed dinner in the terminal and then, as we wandered around the airport bookstore, he said, without really realizing it, I think, “Mum, I just really like being with you.” Oh, me too, Whit. Me too. One of my top ten parenting moments.
Father’s Day has always been, much like Mother’s Day, just a regular day in my world. This year I was really cranky and about halfway through the day I realized it was sadness hiding as irritation. Of course, that’s not fair since Matt, too, is in the exact same place. The only downside of doing this together, that. Still, all four of us went to see my father’s grave and talked to both of our mothers and took this photo and let’s face it, we are supremely fortunate. We all know it.
Yesterday camps began and the regular rhythm of summer began. I’m already nostalgic for the first two weeks of June.
Now that Dad was gone I was starting to see how mortality was bound up in things like that cold, arc-lit sky. How the world is full of signs and wonders that come, and go, and if you are lucky you might see them.
-Helen MacDonald, H is for Hawk
Sunday night’s sunset at our local park. Sunsets, and sunrises, of course, occur at the intersection of light and dark. There’s so much beauty in the interstices.
I was, like so many people, shocked and saddened to hear of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain’s suicides. It’s made me think about the way a person who brings tremendous light and joy to the world can be simultaneously filled with darkness. It’s always a balance, and as you know I believe both light and dark exist in every life. This is not only unavoidable, it has profound value: the dark gives the light texture and the contrast is where the interest is.
Many of us have stories of our first Kate Spade purses (and I’ve loved reading some of these in my Facebook feed and in other places). I still carry a wicker Kate Spade clutch very regularly in the summer. Many of us also have tales of Anthony Bourdain. I can personally share that despite not being a foodie in the least, I found Kitchen Confidential un-put-downable (and as an aside, I was thrilled to see it #1 on Amazon in books when I pulled that link). What’s struck me in the wake of this last week is how deep an impact these two totally different people had on others. I bet they had no idea how many people loved them and were touched, moved, and changed by their being in the world.
Saturday was my father’s birthday. He would have been 75. I felt sad and off all day, as I’d anticipated I would. We visited his grave. The four of us went out for dinner. The sky was beautiful. When we got home, I suggested that we watch Dead Poets Society. Other than Whit, we’d all seen it before, but I wanted, suddenly and urgently, to watch it again. As the familiar movie unfolded I thought about why: I know Dad loved the movie, and I also burst into tears when Neil reads the lines from Ulysses that so deeply remind me of my father.
It’s hard to watch Robin Williams’ bravura performance, at least for me, now. The entire film is limned with suicide, both fictional (Neil’s) and real (Williams’). I find myself thinking about the coexistence of light and dark in all three of these lives (Spade, Bourdain, Williams). There’s no question that each of them threw off immense light. There’s also no question that they lived with deep, haunting darkness that ultimately overcame them.
I don’t want to believe that this is inevitable, though I do believe some darkness is an undeniable part of every life, even the most light. There’s clearly a huge range of “darkness,” and for it to suffocate light to the point of suicide is a huge tragedy. I don’t have any neat conclusions here, only an observation that all three of these losses are enormous, and they represent a triumphing of darkness over light that troubles me and that I refuse to deem irrevocable.
It began in mystery, and it will end in mystery, but what a savage and beautiful country lies in between.
– Diane Ackerman