Lots of outside skating because the weather is cold. Lots of pink cheeks and runny noises clomping into the clubhouse on their skates in search of chocolate chip cookies.
Whit is the star of the week and I am irrationally proud that I was able to download the LEGO font and use it for his name on the poster.
One Saturday Grace, Whit and I bundle into full snow gear for an outing on the T. We ride to the Common, play on the snowy and tongue-stickingly cold metal climbing structure until we are too frozen. Then we go to Starbucks for hot chocolate. Somehow seeing Grace walking down the street holding her own Starbucks really gets to me.
Whit’s 4th birthday party – a way to combine a robot obsession with freezing cold weather – aha! Robot bowling. All the children received tee shirts with an (adorable) orange robot printed on the front
Grace’s dream for MLK day: That everyone has food
Celebrate Whit’s 4th birthday by watching the Inauguration on TV with my Dad and my children. I cried when they played Simple Gifts, remembering as I always do, my dear grandmother Priscilla who loved it.
I write a letter of apology to Grace and Whit after suffering from my first migraine and losing an entire weekend. I didn’t want them to have to see me in pain, didn’t want to seem weak or to have them doubt my health and continuing presence.
The video of Rosa Sat was widely circulated, and made me cry every single time I heard it.
Visit to the ER to have Grace’s face glued shut where Whit broke the skin by throwing a robot at her.