Things I Love Lately

Dive Into Poetry – Jena Schwartz is one of my favorite writers (my review of one of her books of poetry, Don’t Miss This, is here) and in April she’s leading a month-long dive into poetry.  I cannot think of a better way to have poetry be a part of our life for a month.  I highly recommend Jena’s group!

Reshma Saujani TED talk – “We’re raising our girls to be perfect, and we’re raising our boys to be brave.”  This TED talk gave me chills and made me cry.  This is a topic that is very close to me, and I find Reshma’s comments inspiring, motivating, galvanizing, and uncomfortably true.

40 over 40 – I love this project and everything it represents: celebrating women’s achievements, and upending the notion that being over 40 is being over the hill.  As I personally get older I feel both more conviction that 40 is not “over” and awareness that many in the world think it is.  I’m 41 and I’m just getting started.  The honorees are fascinating, impressive, varied.

Nick and Tesla’s Robot Army RampageWhit is currently reading this book and loving it.  I got it out of the library on a bit of a whim, swayed by the subject of robots and the fact that the protagonists are 11.  He is way into it.

Currently listening to on repeat: One Call Away by Charlie Puth, I Lived by One Republic, and Life is Worth Living by Justin Bieber (I never claimed to have sophisticated musical tastes).

What are you reading, thinking about, and loving lately?

I write these Things I Love Posts approximately monthly.  You can find the rest of them here.

This is a bit earlier than usual, because I won’t be here next week because children are on break from school and we’re off.  I look forward to seeing you when I’m back!

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