August break

For the third year, inspired by Susannah Conway’s August Break, I’m going to post only photographs for August.  I actually love taking pictures and do so every single day (you can see more on instagram, where I’m lemead).  I am already aware of fall underneath summer’s heavy heat and I want to sink into these last weeks.  I’ve written before that I suspect my August birthday, right at the moment the world seems to pivot towards fall, contributes to my sense of myself as a liminal being.  My instinct is to lunge forward, to rush into what’s coming because it’s painful to feel it on the horizon.  But over and over again I try to push that impulse back, to be here now, to fully live these last golden hours of the summer.  Wish me luck.


7 thoughts on “August break”

  1. I heard about this, and I’m thinking of joining in, too, though I might start a couple of days late. Looking forward to your photos!!

  2. I LOVE this idea of posting only photos for a period of time. I look forward to seeing yours, Lindsey. As always, thank you for sharing the view through your lens. xo

  3. Love you doing this to acknowledge that you want/need to be enjoying the here & now. AND I love that photos so perfectly epitomize this idea. I’ve been taking my own little summer break but more for family reasons than for fun — I’ll be so excited to come back to blogging, though. Hopefully soon. Maybe I’ll try posting some photos in the meantime – great idea!

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