I love you

It has been an absolutely lovely week of just Whit and me at home.  He wrote her a card one night, and after he handed it to me he said, “Wait!  I want to write one more thing.”  He grabbed it and, concentrating, added the smiling face and “I love you.”  All on his own.  And I cracked a little inside, but in a way that just let in more light.


3 thoughts on “I love you”

  1. Cracking and letting in more light is a feeling I am coming to understand more and more. Kristen bought Abra a copy of this beautiful children’s book called “Me…Jane,” and every time I get to end I feel just that feeling. It’s wonderful that your children love each other so much!

  2. Oh how I love this. My children Wes (almost 13) and Carly (just turned 10 on Sunday!)certainly bicker and tease each other, as most siblings do. But they also have a lot of fun together and enjoy playing with each other. Best of all, whenever they are leaving the house, they say “bye, love you mom, love you dad, love you Wes…” to whoever is still in the house. The sibling ALWAYS gets a “love you” or an “I love you” along with the parents. I feel inferior as a mother at all times, particularly during times when I’m experiencing my own stress (like job-related, for example), but this is one thing that makes me very proud of my children. Even if it has nothing to do with me, I’m so happy that they love each other and are not shy about showing it! I’m sure Whit is loving having you all to himself, but no doubt he misses his big sister!!!

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