Best of 2009: Gwen Bell blog challenge

Yesterday: Blog find of the year. That gem of a blog you can’t believe you didn’t know about until this year.

Eek. Impossible. Really, honestly, impossible. There are a handful of blogs that I discovered in 2009 that are both new and permanent to me: new voices that I’ve been reading for less than a year, but voices who already ring in my head on a regular basis. People who uncover truths and tell stories, funny and serious. People who write poetry and share pictures. I read a lot of blogs every day, and there are certain ones that I always pause to read in full.

I can’t possibly name one. So perhaps I’ll just say that 2009 was the year that the blogosphere really tightened its grip on me, convinced me of its value. It is the year I started to write more regularly (though little known fact: I’ve had this wee blog since 2006) and the year I began to read more widely and voraciously. It’s the year I began to connect with other bloggers out there, began to feel the tenuous strands of a community forming into a real net that I sense below me. This is very meaningful to me, and I am grateful every day for the wisdom and candor I read in other bloggers’ words and for the support of my writing that I sense from them.

Thank you all.

2 thoughts on “Best of 2009: Gwen Bell blog challenge”

  1. Hey Lindsey-

    In the spirit of you post I have to say Thank you for your wonderful posts. I am a recent regular reader. It is a joy to read you every morning as I enjoy my morning coffee. Keep up the insightful writing!

    Happy Holidays!
    Nancy Jane

  2. thank YOU! i feel blessed to have you in my blogging community! i, too, feel fortunate to have YOU as one of my regular reads…

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