
No, not a post about Grace being away.

I ran this morning. Other than being freezing (32 degrees = time for a hat) and tired, I was also incredibly clumsy. Have tripped and almost wiped out (to a heroic, slow-motion arms windmilling, people-clapping-from-cars degree) several times lately. One time a friendly fellow runner actually helped break my fall. Today I tripped on Mt Auburn Street and almost wiped, and then when I was about 1/2 a mile from home, on Huron Avenue, I tripped again and finally actually bit it. I skidded on my hands (they would be raw if I had not been wearing gloves) and then somehow rolled and wound up lying on my back. Awesome. Am wondering how it is that I am getting clumsier as I get older.

That’s about all the news from the day.

I love this quotation – Barack Obama speaking about an early impression of Michelle: “…[as] if, deep inside, she knew how fragile things really were, and that if she ever let go, even for a moment, all her plans might quickly unravel.”

Oh how I relate to that. How fragile things feel!

Quotable weekend

Photo from our afternoon puttering at Nana’s. As long as my children are this delighted by a box of Pyrex dishes, I think I am doing something right.

Each dispensed some pearls of humor this weekend.


“Beer is for daddies and wine is for mummies.”

Grace: (after slowly, painstakingly struggling through an early reader)

“Pretty soon I’ll be sneaking reading, in the middle of the night!!”

If I have a child who sneaks reading in the middle of the night and is that thrilled about it, I can die happy.

I knew there was a reason I kept up with the old-school photo albums. If only my favorite-ever website, tabblo, still sold prints. At least I have an awesome HP photo printer!
Grace and Whit are obsessed with looking at photo albums. Obsessed.