Weekend of Whit

This was a big weekend for Whit witticisms. Or just funny behavior.

After channeling the Luke Wilson’s angsty neo-preppy all day yesterday, he woke up (at 6am no less) full of vim and vigor. I busted him late this morning in the dining room, pants around his ankles, leaning forward and about to pee into a big silver urn that I use for flowers. Nice. Classy kid. Then when he finally sat on the potty, he passed a little gas and exclaimed in delight, “Mummy! My bottom is talking!”
While driving to Park for their spring fair, he commented on the CD that was playing, saying “I love this Johnny Cash song.” Indeed. I agree. After the fair Whit and Grace were playing in the back yard (“yard”) for a while, and I was happily puttering inside. When I heard him screaming for me, with slightly more genuine panic and distress than usual I went outside and found that he had climbed into the basketball net (not super high, but 3 feet off the ground) and was stuck in there. He was in a pike position, bottom down in the net, and reminded me weirdly of a burlesque dancer in a big plastic champagne glass. This kid is All Boy.

I absolutely love this post: Lies I’ve told my three year old recently. It is funny and poignant and right on the money. Makes me think of things I tell the children – the only one that comes to mind is the way I do a little bad dreams/monsters/dragons go away dance by their beds if they are feeling nervous about going to sleep. I sometimes give Whit a good dreams head rub when he is really upset.

Will think of more.

Channeling the Royal Tenenbaums today.

Miracles do not, in fact, break the laws of nature. – CS Lewis

Ready for my miracle anytime.

“It is hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in her head.” – Sally Kempton

Midwives attend over 70% of births in Europe and Japan. In the US, under 8%.

I just started the Business of Being Born, and I already love it. This is a love letter to midwifery. Which anyone who knows me knows is very near to my heart, and a possible future road I want to go down.

“It’s not just the making of babies, but the making of mothers that midwives see as the miracle of birth.” – Barbara Katz Rothman

I am crying at the incredible bravery and beauty of Ricki Lake sharing her own home birth with the world.