Last night. Dinner, entertainment, and then poker. This was a serious crowd. I opted to watch rather than to play for the very first time with a defiantly varsity team. We had a music fiasco with only four CDs and no cables to hook up an ipod – we literally listened to James Taylor’s greatest hits on repeat all night long. Not that sweet. I wound up on the porch with Michael, Julie, and Chris trying to avoid the music and the air conditioning (have never been somewhere so overly a/c-ed as The Cloister – it’s been 85 outside all week and I’ve been wearing layers of cashmere in the meetings).
Just played an hour of tennis with Chris and now off to talk to Bis about India. Then flying home and rushing to the Brigham to meet Emma! Hooray! And then dinner at Mark and Marion’s for Matt and Mark’s birthdays.

Stool 2.0 has a seventh leg (and a second girl)!!!!

Emma Hart Lavallee
7 lbs 10 oz

Healthy and beautiful. And my first godchild! I can’t WAIT to meet her this evening when I come home from Sea Island.

Just went for a long walk by the beach. Listening to The Rising (Bruce’s 9/11 album, and best, in my view), kicking and splashing in the warm water, I felt very aware of how things change and yet remain the same. Dave Phillips ran by and must have laughed at me basically dancing like a 6-year old in the low tide water. This place is just beautiful.

Christina is in labor!!! Stay tuned!!!

(and Sea Island is just gorgeous, and this company that I joined impresses me more by the day.)

Quote of the night last night (to remain unattributed):

“She wants me to get a vasectomy. I want more children. Jihad.”