Tell me whom you love and I will tell you who you are. – Arsene Housssaye
Grey’s Anatomy is beginning to bore me with its incredibly self-conscious profundity. There are occasional evenings, though, when I’m in that kind of mood and the voiceovers make me think. Last night’s commentary about who we truly love, who we choose to be close to, fell upon such open ears. I spent today pinwheeling through those I love most dearly; thinking about people from all the various phases of my life. Christmas cards put me in this frame of mind as well. I love seeing pictures and reading notes from people I haven’t heard from in months or years, and equally love sending our missives out into the world to reconnect with people I love and have lost touch with.
What a mixed and marvelous group it was who occupied my thoughts today! I’ve been deeply blessed by the individuals that life has brought me. The true native speakers are a very small crowd, and you know who you are.
Here we are, heading towards the solstice, my most contemplative time of the year. I’ll quote it in its entirety on the 21st, but for now, two passages from Adrienne Rich’s poem Towards the Solstice, one of my very favorites.
I am trying to hold in one steady glance/All the parts of my life.
We are moving towards the solstice/And there is still so much here/I do not understand.
The solstice, the rain, thoughts of those dear from years past and from today. Going to bed on this rainy dark Friday night, love to all who travel with me.