Been a rough couple of days inside my head. The anxiety over my new job is starting to build. I haven’t been sleeping and it’s taking a toll. The wisdom of children: Grace, on seeing me crying: “Mummy, is something broken?” (ummm, in a manner of speaking …)

Perhaps all is not lost.

On the ride home from school today, Grace announces that for her birthday (life revolves around birthday parties, so despite the fact that it’s 9 months away, it’s all we talk about) she’d like cupcakes that are half Princess and half Spiderman.

Sure thing. Getting right on that.

“What Ruth has known all along: what will happen can’t be stopped. Aim for grace.”
– Ann Beattie, “Learning to Fall”

From Lace, who always knows exactly what I need. Love.

A good day. It’s been a while since i finished the Sunday puzzle on my own. Whit’s been good company too. Yesterday he took a killer nap, and then we went for a long walk while the sun was setting. Then Mimi took over for bed, bath, and beyond which is always good. Today we met Bridget & team for an IHOP breakfast and then came home … I made two chicken pot pies for two families with newborns, and then we delivered one. He’s in his cage right now talking and laughing. I’m off to bed with my book. Matt and Gracie are on 93S headed home. But mostly, it’s a good day because I killed the puzzle!