Evidence of my multipolar life: this weekend’s reading.
The Economist
Real Simple
Your Three Year Old: Friend or Enemy?
Evidence of my multipolar life: this weekend’s reading.
The Economist
Real Simple
Your Three Year Old: Friend or Enemy?
Am reading Cookie, my favorite parenting magazine. Interesting and thought-provoking article on raising grateful children. Surely something most of us would say we aim for. Turns out is all comes down to the parents. Who would have thought! (just kidding).
“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly” – Thomas Paine
Elegaic light from the other day on Charles River above. A quiet, thoughtful day here.
Grace at dinner last night, Border Cafe. Does she look five or fifteen? I was totally unprepared for the question that came up as we were walking back to the car: “Mummy, how do the baby seeds get into the mummy’s tummy?”
Hell-o. Thank GOD for you, Jennifer Hawkins! Armed with our conversation just last week about how you broached this subject with Clemmie, I dove right in head first. We talked about the actual names of the organs involved, and had a quite general conversation about what goes on. Grace immediately responded with, “Yuck, Mummy, that sounds yucky.” Excellent deduction, I say.
Jesus. This is happening awfully fast! And I am wholly unqualified!
I love living in Cambridge. Am all about this liberal education. In a move that’s created massive angst in her father, Grace has been running around all week singing “Obama, O-bah-ma” … I think it’s just a catchier name than McCain or Clinton, and I really don’t think the teachers have endorsed a single candidate, but it’s certainly getting under our resident Republican’s skin.
The beginners also took a Peace Pledge this week. I’m still waiting for it to manifest in her behavior at home (she and Whit are still far from peaceful from each other) – but it’s resulted in some lovely artwork and some interesting conversations about Big Topics.