Sunset on our last evening walk to the harbor, August 29, 2015. This is the place where we celebrated our wedding, (15 years ago Wednesday!), and I love that we so regularly visit it during the summer with our children.
I loved Jena Schwartz’s post about her Blue Moon Vows. Truthfully, I have never been a New Year’s resolution-maker. New Year’s itself makes me sad, mostly, with the bald way to highlight’s time’s forward motion. Undeniably, despite this undercurrent of sorrow, there is something new-start-ish about January, and while I don’t make resolutions I feel that surge of energy, that blank-slate sense of possibility.
This time of year always feel like a new beginning to me, too. Something in my spirit will always beat to the academic calendar, and as such the start of a new school year feels both sad and promising. Summer, my favorite season, is over, and we’re entering something new. And this year I’m feeling the impulse to say some things out loud. Less, perhaps, about making promises to change and more about things I now know to be true that I don’t want to lose track of.
1. I will keep protecting my quiet time with my children. This summer reminded me with punch-in-the-gut force of how limited is the time I have left with both Grace and Whit living with us. I want to soak it in, to be here. That has a variety of implications for how I live my life. Because it’s my most essential priority it is easy to line everything up to support it.
2. I will remember the list of things that are non-negotiable for me to love my life. Sleep, quiet, exercise, time with my dearest friends and my family. It’s a short list, and every item on it is essential.
3. I will remember that I am the sky, and my emotions are just the clouds. This is so so so so true. I tell this to my children, and of course it rarely sinks in, at least not in the throes of moments of heartbreak or fury, but I need to keep remembering it too.
4. I will remember to be here now. Nothing is more important. This is all we have.
5. I will remember not to eat too much bread or sugar. It fills me up and I always feel badly after.
6. I will tell the people I love that I love them. A lot. See #4.
What are you focusing on this fall? Do you feel the same sense of a new beginning as I do at the outset of a new school year?