Have Kids, Will Travel – this post by Annie Flavin is full of beautiful photographs and deep truths. She has younger children than I do, but has the same approach to life: choosing the top right quadrant, where both adventure and exhaustion live. Yes, yes, and yes. What did we do before them? I ask myself that all the time.
This is 35 – As you know I love “this is X” posts, and some of my favorite writing has been structured that way. This post by Dina Relles on Commonplace brought tears to my eyes. “Thirty-five is facing the frailty of family and friends, coming to terms with the truism that every day on this earth is a gift. Thirty-five is not the end of the story.”
Tinker Crate – I have mentioned this subscription service before, but Whit continues to passionately adore his monthly boxes that contain a science-related project and I wanted to reiterate how much we love it. Just this morning I found him in his room working on a project. There are other services for younger kids or those interested in other things. Highly recommended. A great gift idea!
I’ve been reading a lot of very light novels lately, and nothing I feel merits a mention specifically here, to be honest. For some reason, that’s what my heart seeks right now: lightness. After publicly acknowledging that this had been a difficult first half of the year, I’m easing into the second half with optimism and as much ease as my not-very-easy personality can muster.
It’s worth noting that some of my favorite writers have books coming out this fall, which I am eagerly anticipating. I’m specifically thinking of Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert and Brave Enough
by Cheryl Strayed. I would give my arm for ARCs of either and am counting minutes until they are released.
I’m writing postcards and letters to camp (the children go tomorrow, and I ache already, if I’m being frank, which I always am).
What are you reading, listening to, thinking about, and anticipating these days?
I write these Things I Love posts approximately monthly. You can find them all here.
Oh I loved Annie’s post! I tend to lean toward the scared to leave the house side, but I agree that the monotony of daily life at home with kids can be excruciating. As Annie said, a beach with kids is still a beach, and those photos of hers are stunning! I’d go there in a heartbeat, even with my crazy bickering kids.
Dina’s post is quietly beautiful and I love what she says about 35, especiallu about my being finished yet. At 40 I feel like the whole world is opening up again after years of being in the early trenches of motherhood.
The Gilbert/Strayed duo excites me just as much! I’ve devoured G’s interviews about creativity and am finishing up Wild right now. Those women are literary rock stars to me 🙂
Love these posts so much. They always direct me to wonderful places. Annie’s site is new to me and I am so happy to have found it. Her idea of exhaustion and boredom is fascinating to me. In thinking about it, I realize I work so hard to avoid exhaustion that I think we land in the boredom camp more than we should. And I am in the same place with books- the lighter the better right now!
I am reading the Cynthia Voight Tillerman Series with the girls. I read them when I was younger. I am intoxicated by the ceremony and togetherness of piling in bed and rereading these stories with the three of them asking questions and wondering aloud. It is the best kind of slow moving ritual.
Oh, I will check those books out! Have not heard of them. xoxox
I LOVE Annie’s work and suspect you will too. xox
Isn’t Wild extraordinary? I loved it. xox
I feel the same cautious optimism, Lindsey, even as I know there’s a hard road ahead. And I always love what you love! Got an early copy of Liz Gilbert’s book and am so eager to write about it. Meanwhile, my song of the summer is from WILD, Beck’s “Turn Away.” Can’t hear it enough. xo
Off to find that song immediately. xox
Hi Lindsey, I am a fellow PU class of ’82. I don’t remember how I found your blog but have been really enjoying following you especially your book recommendations which are spot on. I alternate between fluff and literary fiction. Right now reading the unlikely pilgrimage of Harold fry which I picked up as part of a mystery book program at my library-wrapped in brown paper with the first sentence on the cover-I am really enjoying it. It is sort of a cross between light and heavy. I have also read many of the great new books recommendations and Katherine newmans recommendations which are always good. Enjoy these summer days! Julie
I love this:
After publicly acknowledging that this had been a difficult first half of the year, I’m easing into the second half with optimism and as much ease as my not-very-easy personality can muster.
I am also reading light books and a wonderful new memoir called Barbarian Days.
Wishing you an easy way into ease. I fight it all the way and am trying to reform ….
Humbled and honored to be included here–and with such admirable company. To have written something *you* love, Lindsey, is truly among the greatest accolades. Sincerest thanks for mentioning my piece and for always pointing me to other lovely people and their work. xox
I can’t wait for Gilbert’s newest. I’m loving her new podcast by the way!