It’s hard to believe that I wrote these words about turning 35 four whole years ago.  And that in a year I’ll be writing about crossing over into my 40s.  While mid-August is the height of summer’s dog days, fall is also undeniably whispering around the edges of these hot hours.  I have noticed some red leaves in trees, can tell that it’s getting dark earlier, and sense the new season that is arriving.  It was on this hinge between seasons that I arrived (three weeks early, of course!), and I’ve been drawn to borders and transitions ever since.

Another year, here we go.  Towards the radiance.

18 thoughts on “39”

  1. Happy day to you! I just went back and read your 35 post. I have not taken a Myers Brigg since college. I think I need to do it soon…

  2. Happy, happy birthday to my fellow Leo, my fellow Princetonian, my fellow Diet Coke drinker and literature lover, my mom-and-writer-in-arms. May you have a beautiful year full of wonderful things to notice. xoxo

  3. Happy Birthday, Lindsey! You know, I’ve always been drawn to borders and transitions, too. I was born May 22 — on the cusp of spring and summer, as well as the cusp of Taurus and Gemini (two weeks early!). Abra, on the other hand, was born eight days late, and has been doing things in her own way, in her own time, ever since. It’s amazing how we enter the world presages so much. Enjoy you day!

  4. I enjoy reading your words. We’ve never met although you know my sister and my cousins. My sister went to Princeton and my cousins have kids at your children’s school. Happy Birthday!

  5. It’s not letting me reply so I will here 🙂 My sister is Geraldine Alias and my cousins are Stephane Bancel and Brenda Bancel.

  6. The twenty years between us are but a day in the cosmic calendar. I remember 39 really well!

    I can tell you that your heart will be even fuller over the next days and years and decades.

    Blessings Lindsey!

  7. Happy Birthday, Lindsey! Hope your 39th year lasts as long as mine has…!

    You may remember this from Eat, Pray, Love:

    “I was reading through an old text about yoga when I found a description of ancient spiritual seekers. A Sanskrit word appeared in the paragraph: antevasin. It means ‘one who lives at the border.’ In ancient times, this was a literal description. It indicated a person who had left the bustling center of worldly life to go live at the edge of the forest where the spiritual masters dwelled. The antevasin was not of the villagers anymore–not a householder with a conventional life. But neither was he yet a transcendent–not one of those sages who live deep in the unexplored woods, fully realized. The antevasin was an in-betweener. He was a border-dweller. He lived in sight of both worlds, but he looked toward the unknown. And he was a scholar.”

    I love this concept, and when I first read this I instantly felt it described me perfectly and named something I had always felt but never articulated. I’m reminded of it today as I read your post about borders and transition, and I thought it might resonate with you too.

    Here’s to a lifetime of living at the borders and rejoicing in it.

    Happy birthday,


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