Off the grid

I’m off the grid this weekend.

So, so off the grid.  At a cabin in the White Mountains (that’s the actual cabin, above).  This is the fourth annual trip: we hike up, spend the night, and hike down on Sunday.  We are now a group 40+ strong, half children.  This is another stool adventure, and I am looking forward to spending some time with two of my very dearest friends.  I’m also hoping it won’t rain, and my wipers can take a rest.

9 thoughts on “Off the grid”

  1. Holy moly, that house is gorgeous. I love the White Mountains (even though you have probably guess the Adirondacks is my spiritual home). Have a great time!

  2. I took some time to catch up on your posts this weekend.

    Hope you have a spectacular time. Hope you find some peace and calm.

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