
I am thrilled to share writing from Christine from Coffees & Commutes here today. I absolutely adore Christine’s blog and every single time I read it I find myself nodding with identification.  More often than not I find myself crying.  Christine has written candidly about her struggle with depression and about her ongoing efforts to sink into the life she has with her two sons and husband.  She is currently exploring meditation and her writing about the impact that it is having on her is honest and compelling.  I’m looking forward to spending more time with Christine, but in the meantime her blog is one of my must-reads and I suggest you put it on your list too.  Please enjoy this beautiful post called FULL, and then visit Coffees & Commutes to read more of Christine’s lyrical, powerful writing.


Of love for my children and the countless ways they bless my life.

Of joy for a happy marriage and the partnership that I share with my husband.

Of satisfaction with my professional life and a career that continues to be meaningful and challenging.

Of friends to connect with and share laughs and tears.

Of pleasure for the creativity that flourishes in my life through words, and pictures and pretty paper crafts.

Of desire and curiosity to read and explore and enrich my soul with the wealth of words written by others..  ,,

Of wonder and excitement over my burgeoning desire and trust to freely ask the big questions.

Of urgency to focus on my physical and emotional health; to keep me strong and moving forward.

Of need for more time, energy and acceptance so that all of these things don’t overflow and drown me.

Thank you Lindsey, for welcoming my words. It’s truly a pleasure and an honor to share this space with you.

14 thoughts on “Full”

  1. beautiful. ‘time, energy and acceptance’…for me, time for wanderlust, play and rest, energy for dreamy adventures and sacred work, and acceptance of the right now, as is. thank you.

  2. Christine, when I read these words, I just want to hug you and say how happy I am for you. It’s not easy to get to where you are, I know. And your path here, having but a small glimpse of it through your blog, is truly inspiring.

  3. Pingback: Navigating by the stars — Coffees and Commutes
  4. Interesting that no one ever complains about an overflowing cup, but the fullness can drown us just as quickly as it buoys us. Love this, Christine.

  5. Christine… you seem to know just what to say, to which I am inclined to say something like Amen, and of course Namaste… but also Thank You… or maybe just Of too. All Good Wishes (and thanks, Lindsey, for deepening the connections that feel most right).

  6. “Of wonder and excitement over my burgeoning desire and trust to freely ask the big questions.” This is a wonderful line. I, too, am trying to ask the big questions, and trying to be okay with whatever answers emerge. Thank you for your beautiful and inspirational words, Christine, and for sharing them here with us, Lindsey!

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