Six years of school, seven tomorrow …

First day in the Red Room, September 2004

First day in the Yellow Room, September 2005

First day in the Blue Room, September 2006

First day of Beginners, September 2007

First day of Kindergarten, September 2008

First day of First Grade, September 2009

The time is whistling past my ears, it’s flying so fast.

Tomorrow, 2nd grade for Grace and kindergarten for Whit. I’m proud and sad all at the same time.

9 thoughts on “Six years of school, seven tomorrow …”

  1. It does go fast… Eleventh grade for my daughter tomorrow…. I’m not allowed to take pictures anymore. Still, it leaves tracks on my heart….

    I hadn’t realized why I was feeling a little off, a little queasy. Your photos say it all.

  2. We dug through pictures this weekend for a school project. They grow up so fast. But they are growing ever more beautiful each year – mine – and from your pictures – obviously yours. Hold the sadness with tenderness and revel in the pride.

    I saw this quote on FB just a bit ago – and thought of you:

    Accept joy even if you’re afraid it might end one day….Paulo Coelho

    Enjoy this last day before the next season starts!

  3. Aww! She looks just like you! (As beautiful as you!)

    What a progression. I realize how fast everything goes, but sometimes it still catches me by surprise.

  4. Just kissed my own twenty-year old good-bye in the darkness, and wish so much that I had a series of photos like this, marking the years that have already blurred together in my mind. It’s so tempting sometimes to keep moving, so that we don’t feel the full brunt of the feelings. Better, as you know so well, to stop, and feel them. Click, click – and the moment is over. But the photos tell their own beautiful story.

  5. I know you’re right, as much as I dread it … as Dani says in Devotion, I’m at the still point at the top of the curve, and it’s all acceleration from here … eek.

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