4 thoughts on “Zen Family Habits”

  1. i wish i were as enlightened as you! i had raised my kids to be the best they can be and i regret it. now my 13yr old has such high expectations of himself the stress is making him miserable.

  2. I appreciate the honesty with which you write. I think the cultural pressure to have our children ‘excel’ is so strong and do wonder if sometimes this is more about the parent’s need to cover his/her own insecurity than the child’s needs. In the vein of other ‘Zen’ posts, I think we would all do well to simplify our and our children’s lives and rediscover the simple pleasures of nature and quality time spent together. So, good on you for your stand. May we all have the courage to follow the instincts of what we know to be best for our kids!

  3. Hi Lindsey,

    Thank you for contributing such a great post to Zen Family Habits. It’s been very well received and I think people can really relate to your honesty!
    Thanks again.

  4. Shock horror! We do not have ANY extra-curricular activities (ssshhh don’t let the “Jones” hear!)
    For my first child, I did get the guilts, and I took her along to dance, gym and offered pottery etc. She was so shy and not interested. She is now 9 and 3 more children have joined our family. We have not added any activities other than swimming when they turned 5 for half a year. I will be keeping an eye and ear out for when my children say they are interested in a particular activity, or offer options every now and then…until our schedule changes, we will continue to go to parks and chill out with each other in our spare time.

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