the end of the world

Read a marvelous book to Grace last night, called The Well at the End of the World. It has lovely themes about kindness and tolerance and the value of the life of the mind over that of the surface. But my favorite part?

me: “The princess is going to the end of the world to get water to help her father get better.”

Grace: “The end of the world?”

me: “Yes, really far away.” (thinking she is confused by the expression)

Grace: “There is no end of the world. It’s a round ball.”

4 thoughts on “the end of the world”

  1. Grace is a regular Christopher Columbus!

    I love those moments when kids elevate the level of a discussion and look at us as if to say "duh, Mom."

  2. OH joy! A new book to check out. Books have defined so much of the life of our first born and now that he is an avid reader, at 7, I can pat myself on the back and know that I did something right for a little while to get things that way.

    And Grace? What Grace. They're smart little monkeys, aren't they? I mean really…I find myself trying to explain the simplest of things to my son over and over again and he still doesn't get it. But the bigger concepts? Sometimes they just click.

    But let's not talk about table manners. He still has no concept of table manners and I SWEAR it is going to result in buying a paddle over here because we are so fed up! Okay, maybe not a paddle, but a pillow? Whack him in the butt with a pillow? I'm sure he'd just laugh.

    Quite clearly it is time for my run that I've been putting off. Need to clear out the brain!

  3. I don't know this book! Can't wait to check it out. Bummer that we JUST got back from the library.
    And Grace is a smartie!

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