More than logic

“If the world were only pain and logic, who would want it?
Of course, it isn’t.
Neither do I mean anything miraculous, but only the light that can shine out of a life.”
(Mary Oliver)

Of course the world is not only logic. We can beat our heads against the wall, searching for certainty, and we simply won’t find it. The things that really animate our existence – feelings, people, relationships – defy categorization into the neat boundaries of logic and rationality. That is what makes them so daunting, and so seductive. Also, scary, particularly for those of us predisposed towards control and clarity.

There is tension between surrendering to that which we cannot comprehend and striving to better understand. The existence of that which is illogical and inchoate is not an excuse to throw up our hands in the face of the work required to live examined lives. Still, it is clear to me that we need to celebrate, and not fight, the ambiguous, illogical parts of our lives, selves, and relationships.

Maybe this is the essence of maturity: waking up every morning in the face of that all that cannot be known and embracing the uncertainty and the certainty with equal ardor. Maybe this is the definition of intimacy: seeing someone for who they are, including that which cannot be understood, and loving them because, not in spite of, those things.

2 thoughts on “More than logic”

  1. A beautiful, confusing, and abstract post. Reminds me a bit of this post:

    Sometimes I worry that I don't wonder about the incomprehensible enough. That maybe I too frequently take things at face value without searching them through. Thanks for reminding me that my thoughts should keep a larger focus than merely what's in front of my face.

  2. I am so glad you commented on my blog so I could find yours! Wow–such a gift! Thanks for the thoughts–I couldn't agree more–embracing the uncertainty and the ambiguity is such a challenge for me.

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