My broken, cracked pieces.

Grace is seven. She has had a great day. I have had a tough day. Thank you to those of you who have sent incredibly sweet and thoughtful emails, who have called to celebrate my girl – the generosity of spirit means a great deal to me. I am lucky to have you all in my life.

Kelly Rae’s post tonight
really touched my bruised, aching heart. I think it’s very lovely. My favorite line: I want to own the beautiful fragility of my broken, cracked pieces. I’m not there but that is a beautiful summary of where I want to be.

the friction wants me to notice its offerings. what do you really want, it asks. and i answer:
i want to remain open.
i want to embrace aging.
i want to forgive by accepting what is good about him/her/them,
i want to own the beautiful fragility of my broken, cracked pieces.
i want to say yes to the light.
i want to notice the small moments that make all the difference.
i want to be light hearted in the wake of intensity.
i want to say thank you.
and hello. and i notice you.
i want to be fearless, yet soft.
seasoned, but green.
i want to learn, not assume.
with my words and with my life, i want to be wise.