Little Gifts

This is a truly marvelous reminder of the little gifts we can give each other. Of the way small gestures and kindnesses can have an enormous impact.

In this time of inclement weather inside my own head, one of the most reliable ways for me to feel happy is to reach out to others, to soothe and offer warmth and to be as generous as I am able. This post is an excellent reminder of that.

Small offerings, the best I can do: Remembering to ask how a doctor’s appointment went. Sending along a book that made me think of you. Listening to Gracie tell a short story in a long, long, winding, roundabout way. Refraining from reaction even when my instinct is to snap. Baking a casserole for a family in grieving or busy with a new baby. Sending a birthday card the old-fashioned way, in the mail. Giving a gift just because I hoped it would make you happy.

Also, the hands in the photograph are wearing the same bracelet that I wear, adore, and never take off.