Back to the ER

A promising morning went south fast. Grace and Whit rejected spaghetti-o’s for lunch (what is it with my children denying the classic junk foods?), spent the “quiet time” movie jumping off of the couch, and then finally devolved into full-on battle. I shut the door and let them work it out until I heard high pitched screaming and crying. Grace came into my office with blood streaming down her face. Whit had thrown a wooden robot at her and cut her face just under her eye. It wasn’t that big – probably 3/4 of an inch – but it was really bleeding and really close to her eye.

I spoke to the pediatrician on call, who recommended a trip to Mount Auburn just to be safe. I am fully addled today: I tried to give them my Costco card in lieu of my Blue Cross card and didn’t even notice until the woman handed it back with a strange look on her face. A nice physician’s assistant glued Grace’s face together (thank God no stitches). Interestingly this cut was literally about a 1/10 of an inch above the small scar from the last time she had her face glued at the Mount Auburn ER.

Demonstrating their ability to go from mortal enemies to best friends in mere moments, Grace insisted on Whit being on the gurney with her until the actual gluing. Then we went to Armando’s for dinner. I planned to take the pizza home but both kids wanted to eat there. On the way out they melted my heart by rushing back in to thank the guys working behind the counter for the “delicious pizza.” That was surely the highlight of the day.

I feel like a winter-boot-forgetting, junk-food-pushing, TV-allowing, neglectful-to-the-point-of-injury mother today. I was very stern with the kids on the way to the ER, telling them I was disappointed in their behavior. Grace burst into tears, apologizing for letting me down and immediately making me feel like Evil Mummy.

I’m also struggling with a new assignment at work which I have totally flubbed.

Not a stellar day in the life. Feeling yucky all around. Going to go Tylenol PM myself into oblivion now.

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