From the New York Times:

Ms. Palin praised the achievements of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, who lost a long and bitter primary race against Senator Obama, saying that she had left “18 million cracks” in the highest glass ceiling in the land.

Then, making an explicit appeal to Ms. Clinton’s disappointed supporters, she said, “It turns out that the women in America aren’t finished yet, and we can shatter that glass ceiling.”

Them’s some bold words. I can’t feel but feel a small thrill about them, but then I remember she’s a pro-life, lifetime-NRA-member evangelical Christian. Sarah Palin and I don’t, ultimately, have much in common beyond having had children and our gender.

The fact remains that on Whit’s 4th birthday something historic is going to happen. We will swear into office our first African-American president or our first female vice president. I devoutly hope it’s the former. But, either way (as someone very dear to me says), we live in interesting times.