Yesterday morning I took Grace and Whit to Buttonwood Zoo in New Bedford. It was a crystalline blue-sky, 82 degree day: perfect. They ran around, looked at the animals, rode the little train, took pony rides (Grace took two because Whit, in a rare fit of anxiety, didn’t want to go), had chicken nuggets and french fries for lunch and huge Spiderman popsicles. Other than a couple of scream-the-rafters-down tantrums by Whit it was a lovely morning.
Went home for “naptime” which was really an exercise in hours of frustration and shouting. Needless to say Whit continued his delightful ways. I tell you 3.5 is absolutely not my favorite age.
Late afternoon was a beach trip. Will someone please tell me how to enjoy the beach with Grace and Whit? I don’t particularly want to spent an hour in the chilly water, so once I’ve done my token dip and played with the children for a few minutes I’m ready to be done. They, of course, want to play forever. Can’t really do this without an adult nearby. I wind up standing in the ankle-deep water shivering and shouting at them every time they venture too far out. Not really super fun. I know of many parents who enjoy hours at the beach with their kids. Please, please give me some tips. I need them.Then it was time for dinner around the corner with Brent (dad), Andy (8), and Jake (6). I played lifeguard to four children in the pool (notable only because one of them – Whit, naturally – really cannot swim). I shucked corn and watched like a hawk as Andy rowed Whit around the pool in this fabulous inflatable raft. My nap-free children were running on fumes and gradually becoming more and more whiny & hair-triggery. Not enough sauvignon blanc in the world to make this fun for me.
After a dinner that I spent mostly policing my overtired and cranky children, Grace started melting down and I decided to take her home (sweet because I was really ready to go). We walked home (2 blocks) with her in the canvas bag slung over my shoulder. She thought this was hilarious and I did too until I realized how freaking heavy she has gotten. Anyway, she passed out immediately and half an hour later I put Whit to bed before falling asleep myself.
It’s raining today and I’m not sure what we will do. There is violent agreement around here that Marion is more fun when Nana and Poppy are here, that’s for sure!