I might be raising a truth-telling b-r-a-t

On the way home from camp today.

Me: “Who did you play with today, Gracie?”

Grace: “Oh, everybody.”

Me: “Everybody?”

Grace: “Yes, they fought over me today. Everybody was saying ‘play with me! play with me!'”

Me: “Really, Gracie?”

Grace: “Yeah. X used to be the big hit at camp but now it’s me.” Deep, dramatic sign.


Grace: “Four plus four is eight Mummy.”

Me: “Great, Grace! You are on your way with math. Exciting!”

Grace: “Yeah, I like math.”

Me: “Math is fun, Grace. Now we have to work on sounding out your words and you’ll be reading soon too.”

Grace: “I guess so.”

Me: “Reading is so awesome, Grace. What do you think my favorite thing to do is, when I have free time?”

Grace (shouting): “Read!”

Me: “Right.”

Grace: “Wait, I thought your favorite thing was to nap?”

I give up.