A day of godparents

Altogether a lovely day. The children slept until 8, which means I did too (I don’t care for this holiday, Mothers Day, but if I did that would be the only gift I’d want anyway!). Then we went to the Church of the Redeemer for Emma’s christening. Shockingly Whit and Grace sat in the pew (with coloring books and goldfish, of course) until communion when I snuck them out. Whit appeared totally spellbound by the music, and also pointed out all the various colors in the stained glass windows to me.
Then we rushed home to have lunch with Whit’s godmother, Gloria, and her mother. Everyone sat outside in the back yard and ate Hi Rise sandwiches – very nice. At the risk of making Whit seem too angelic, he ran around and ate only potato chips (perhaps full from the half pound of goldfish he inhaled in church). Then naps and I went for a great run – did just over 13 (I think – my sensor was acting up) and it was just the most wonderful run in a long time. Maybe ever! And I feel a lot more confident heading into the half marathon now knowing I can do that. Goal is to come in under 2 hours.
That’s the super boring report from my life on this gorgeous full-fledged spring day.