A regular Tuesday

Grace appears to be having the time of her life in Florida. See the flying noodle above. The more I look at this picture the more I see a little witch flying on her broomstick, but I’m trying not to focus on that image.
While Grace plays hard, I had one of those empty days that suddenly gets filled by life details. I had NOTHING on the calendar other than lunch with Natalie. That is just the more fabulous thing in my book: an empty day. I lingered at nursery school dropping off my little man, then came home to a quiet, empty house. I filled two trash bags of stuff in Grace’s room and threw them out. I also swapped out some fall and spring clothes in my own closet, and put some old children’s toys on the sidewalk (my easier-to-execute version of freecycle.org). All gone by lunch! Then I went to Cambridgeside to return a couple of things and to do a couple of quick errands. Lunch was delightful, then afternoon was gobbled up by getting one car cleaned, the other inspected, by framing two pieces of Grace’s art for grandparents, by paying bills and writing thank you notes, by printing photos and putting them into my photo album, and by cleaning out Grace’s closet and baking a batch of cookies. Phew. Now wrapping presents for upcoming childrens’ birthday parties and scheduling the next few weeks of work. An empty day is such a gift. As mundane as this minutiae is, I get a tremendous charge out of completing things that have hovered over my head for weeks.