“If you wait for the perfect horse, you will walk.”

So sayeth my favorite MD at PEP. This is day 3 of training which has been exhausting and overall somewhat boring. Today Alex came in and gave the 14 trainees some closing words, in which he focused on how they should approach and participate in the firm’s three assets: capital, people, and brand.

Alex literally got choked up talking about the people and the responsibility to the brand and the necessity of not developing a sense of entitlement. The quote above was regarding capital and was part of his encouraging the new folks to always look for the good things in a deal. He said it is always easy to focus on what is bad about a deal, and that there is great value in looking for positive attributes. There are no perfect deals, but there are many great ones. This of course extends into all aspects of life. Alex’s comments were surely the highlight of the week for me and, I think, for many of the trainees.

Heading back home shortly for orientation at nursery school tonight and Grace’s first morning at her new school tomorrow.