The tooth fairy teaches children that they can sell body parts for money. – David Richerby

Bouff mentioned that she’s seeing the new Harry Potter today. This reminded me of November 2001 when a large number of us from Princeton met up in New York to see #1 on opening day. It seems like a HUNDRED YEARS ago. See picture above. We were so young! That weekend also featured a blowout bash chez Gloria and Bill (see other picture) which descended into the traditional drinking, dancing, and general debauchery that characterized those early years (and, in fact, my current years).
So, just a little reminiscing about that weekend and the ladies I love best!

Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh. – WH Auden

Outrageously glorious weather. Outrageously poorly behaved children. More later.


In Marion for the Fourth of July. This picture was at sunset yesterday in the harbor. There is no more beautiful scene to me than all of those masts against the fading light.
This morning, the traditional Marion parade. Also traditional: my bursting into tears as the veterans walk by. Particularly the WW2 vets. Maybe it’s because they make me think of my grandfathers, or maybe it’s just the way their waning numbers are yet another marker of time passing … but every year, I cry. On the surface, it’s the same emotion as the old guard making me cry at Princeton reunions. But there’s another level to it, which was made clear to me when “Find the Cost of Freedom” came on the radio driving home. These men are proof positive of the price paid by so many to keep us free. Wow, that’s a cliche. Then I started thinking about all the other ways we pay for freedom … and wondering what the cost is for true personal and emotional and intellectual freedom?