Random quotes

We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh. – Agnes Repplier

She would give him all the armour she had hitherto used to keep herself safe… She loved him. – Peter Carey

Our love, or our lack of it … will in the end be an expression of ourselves: of who we think we are, of what we want to be, of what we think we are here for. – Thomas Merton

Hard to refute the photographic evidence of Grace’s growing up. Wow. She started at nursery school as a small toddler and emerges as a full-blown child. Incredible. I will be forever in debt to that school for the extraordinary care and love and attention they gave to my daughter.

I love this picture of Jess and Julia and just wanted to post it. Julia, born 12 weeks to the day before Gracie. Jess, one of my dearest and oldest friends and a sure soul sister. We’ve been through many experiences together, good and bad, and I know we’ll be friends for life. Jess, you are one of the people whose opinion I value the most highly in this world. Your wisdom, patience, and uniquely insightful perspective add immeasurable joy and value to my life. We may live far apart, but as Carly says, “we are so close that in our separation there’s no distance at all.” You are one of the three or four people I think of as flanking me as I go through this life – thank you for all of the love and support and understanding. As you put it in a long-ago letter: “Maybe it’s just a current with a similar wave pattern that runs through our souls…” I aspire to be the kind of friend, woman, and mother that you are.

Best case of making lemonade out of lemons:

Last night, arrived at LGA for 6:30 shuttle. It was delayed, so I got into the long line of people queuing for the 5:30. Right in front of me as an adorable little woman with long dark hair … Charlotte! We got onto the 5:30. We took off at 8:30 after 2.5 hours on the runway. Charlotte and I asked so many times for wine that the pilot finally got on the intercom and announced to the entire shuttle: “We are legally bound to serve only non-alcoholic beverages on the ground.” It was hilarious. My stomach hurt from laughing after 3 hours of sheer Char comedy.