My day today: evidence of an existence that is either totally schizophrenic or remarkably rich.
- Woke up with children, did breakfast and books, took Gracie to school. Spent some time with our director, Jenifer, checking in on capital campaign and other items.
- Home for 9:30 conference call with headhunter. Negotiated contract and carve-out list.
- IMed briefly with Lacy to catch up.
- Ran 11 miles. Felt good. Officially looking for 1/2 marathon to do.
- Home to respond to 28 new work emails that had come in while I was running.
- Baked chocolate oatmeal bar cookies for kids while on phone with Gloria in London.
- Conference call with Bis, who is opening our India office, to make decisions on the legion of candidates Alex, Chris and I have met for him. Decided on Gaurav, with Manish a close second.
- Drafted offer letter for senior associate offeree in New York. Made travel plans for next few weeks of work travel.
- Spent 30 minutes on phone with my tennis club membership co-chair, discussing wait list and plans for summer events
- Wrapped birthday present for Emay
And so it goes. Looking forward to a mellow night at home tonight. Tomorrow is the BB&N new family cookout which should be interesting. Weather continues to be gorgeous. Matt is in San Francisco until Friday or Saturday morning.