Cool cats, these children of mine. Today’s been a good day. Took G to school, and also the parking office – I’ve done something right with her on the what-is-fun front: it was downright thrilling to go through the revolving door, to wait in line, and to get our parking sticker. Her enthusiasm is quite contagious, though wasn’t enough to elevate the aggravation of the woman refusing to give me a sticker the first time b/c my documentation wasn’t exactly right to anything approaching fun.

Saw Kimberly at the gym for the first time in a MONTH – man am I weak. Muscle mass turning to flubber fast. And then met Anastasia, Whit, and Grace for lunch. Now everyone’s resting – for sure my favorite part of the day. Am reading about Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, who’s always been a business idol of mine.

Tomorrow: swimming with Grandma and Grandpa at their hotel, and a visit with baby Catherine. Tomorrow evening we get to see Gretchen & Jos at their engagement party at the Country Club – also I can’t wait to see Shafer’s blossoming bump. Hooray for more Princeton babies!