I’m sitting in front of this gorgeous vista in the pouring rain. We had a lovely Christmas, with presents and breakfast at home with Nana and Poppy followed by a blessedly uneventful (though woefully short on Whit sleeping) ride to Vermont. When we got here we bundled the children up (unnecessary as it was 40 degrees) and let them run wild in the fields outside the house. Grace and Whit were excited to see Grandma and Grandpa (and Whit has added “Bobo” to his ever-expanding vocabulary, which means Grandpa). Everyone crashed early and is still tired today so we are having a day of vegging in front of the TV and the computer (and Matt is, given, on a conference call). The rain contributes to the day-after, let-down mood around here. My present was a great new camera so I’m going to spend some time figuring that out!
I’m putting off emailing Glenn to tell him I can’t take my dream job. Sob. Need to do that today.
I like the picture of the children and me because I imagine that we’re looking forward into 2007.