This is Childhood

I am delighted to announce a new series, starting tomorrow.  I’m joining nine other bloggers – every single one of them, a beautiful writer – to write about childhood.  This Is Childhood will commemorate each year of a child’s life, from one to ten.  I’m so thrilled to be a part of this effort, which honors the unique, noisy, beautiful, messy, endless and heartbreakingly fast years when our children are small.

The following writers will be sharing their words weekly, each one focused on a particular age.  It is my privilege to be among them.  I hope you’ll enjoy Aidan’s words tomorrow on age One, and that you will follow along with us as we climb the ladder of childhood each Tuesday.

ONE – Aidan Donnelley Rowley
TWO – Kristen Levithan
THREE – Nina Badzin
FOUR – Galit Breen
FIVE – Allison Slater Tate
SIX – Bethany Meyer
SEVEN – Tracy Morrison
EIGHT – Amanda Magee
NINE – Denise Ullem
TEN – Lindsey Mead