Slowing down

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me

That carol has been in my head this afternoon. It’s been the verbiage on my Christmas card more than once, and I still think it’s wise, wise advice. I am thinking now about what it means. What does it really imply to want to have peace begin with me.

And my mind keeps circling back to the same words: slow down

Slow down …

  • My reactions.
  • My defensiveness.
  • How quickly I physically move.
  • In responding to what someone says – I might understand better if I let it sink in. And I should stop interrupting which is just more of the same thing.
  • With my children – I rush them too much.
  • In acting on impulses. Just breathe and wait and see.

It feels natural this time of year, somehow, to slow down. The rhythm of the natural world has slowed, though there is the artificial frenzy leading up to the *h*o*l*i*d*a*y*s (!!! wide fake smile!!!). I am going to try to feel that slowness in my own body, to slow my responses, my reactions, my very breathing. The world is turning, very soon towards the sun again, and I need to slow down in order to trust that.

Those I love most deserve it. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.

5 thoughts on “Slowing down”

  1. Lovely. And excellent examples – not only the way we move (too) quickly, but react too quickly, listen too quickly.

    Letting it sink in. Yes.

  2. Thank you for this reminder at a particularly rushed time of year. In so many ways, I feel like adulthood is about racing against the clock, our expectations, ourselves. Does it need to be this way? I'm not so sure. But there is certainly a majesty in slowing down.

  3. We could all use this reminder, especially at this time of year. And now I have that sweet tune running through my head – not a bad problem to have!

  4. I love the reminder. We're moving pretty slow these days, by choice. We haven't been burdened by the overcommitment fairy this year, thankfully.
    I can only hope that we can keep this up in the years to come.

  5. A lovely, lovely post. Even if I read it very fast in this busy, busy time.

    Reminded me of a meditation I use with my self defense students:

    If there is to be peace between nations, there must be peace within nations.

    If there is to be peace within nations, there must be peace in the cities.

    If there is to be peace in the cities, there must be peace in the home.

    If there is to be peace in the home, there must be peace in the heart.

    Not only "should" we let peace begin with us, we "must." It is the only way.

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