Number of days in bed: 5.5
Number of times I left the house in 5 days: 3
Number of books read: 2 (pathetically low, indicating what a mess I was)
Number of naps taken per day: 2-3
Number of times I threw up from coughing so hard: 3
Highest fever: 99 (who knew?)
Days without drinking any alcohol: 6 (a many-year record I suspect)
Number of family members infected: 0 (so far, but oh, accomplishment!)
Speed my car was moving when I pushed my children out the door to school each morning: 5 mph
Bottles of nyquil demolished: 1.5 (cherry is really gross)
Lectures from Hadley re: vitamins & my immune system: 1
Until I got to the one about throwing up, it didn't sound so bad! :p
I hope you feel better very soon