Time to read 100 blogs

Kathryn emailed me after my last post, asking about what the 100 blogs a day I read are and how I manage to read them.

In reverse order, my answers. First, I have all kinds of time. I know, nobody believes this. I get an endless number of “how do you do it?” comments. But the truth is, I have a ton of time. I work part-time, my children are both in school or camp most of the day, I have a lot of excellent help. My kids go to bed early and they watch TV every day. And it takes a lot to get me out of the house in the evening (here: an example of something I’ll go out for), so I have lots of time to read. I remember a few years ago at a dinner party explaining to the man on my right that when evaluating potential plans I measure everything against the other option of being home in bed reading. I could see the sheer horror on his face when I said this, and it deepened into something more like terror when I allowed that very few plans make it past this screen (boy do I sound like a super fun person).

I also don’t watch TV. Ever. Not by some conscious moral choice (as I said, my children are avid SpongeBob watchers) but more because I just stopped watching when the writers’ strike was on and never got back into it. I spend plenty of time in front of this computer screen, and I do watch Gossip Girl on my iPhone during long flights, but I literally cannot remember the last time I turned on the television for anything other than the children.

Second, what do I read? Well, my favorite blogs are under the “reading” tab above. But I read lots more. I have long thought that the contents of someone’s google reader (and run, don’t walk, if you don’t already use reader – what a great way to aggregate blog feeds and read them all in one place) is a good snapshot of who they are. Or at least of their interests. Mine fall into several categories: motherhood bloggers, technology, celebrity gossip, books/literary reviews, food/cooking blogs, and other general inspirational/deep thoughts kinds of writing. Bouff, happy to give you a peek at my reader anytime!

Now, off to go read the 120 items in my queue.