Raining in Marion

Raining. Again.

On plus side I slept until almost 8 when Grace crept into my room to ask if she and Whit could go downstairs and watch TV. And wonder of wonders, she knows how to turn it on herself. Somehow between that first TV watching episode and now the TV stopped working, but it gave me a few minutes alone in bed this am so I am not complaining.

My very anal daughter, who takes after her very anal mother, made her bed this morning (see above). She apparently has an instinctive aptitude for hospital corners. I am so proud. I cannot cope without making my bed in the morning: a well-made bed is the first step in an orderly life.

In a bit the three of us are going to go see Up. I’m looking forward to it and so are they. After that I’ll have to consider what to do with the yawning black hole of an afternoon in Marion in the rain.